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Growth Modules

Overcome business challenges, plan for growth, and drive competitive advantage with guidance from our Growth Experts. The Program includes three intensive three-day Modules that are delivered over a nine-month period. Between Modules, you will implement changes you identified at the end of each Module with support from our Growth Experts to help you stay on track.

Applications for this business growth program have now closed.

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  • 760+ CEOs/MDs and executives have attendended the Growth Modules Australia wide

  • 13% Aggregate revenue growth in FY19 reported by CEOs/MDs who attended the Modules*

  • 11% Aggregate FTE jobs growth in FY19 reported by CEOs/MDs who attended the Modules*

  • 99% of CEOs/MDs & executives would reccomend the Growth Modules program to other CEOs/MDs

*Growth rates reported by 131 CEOs who responded to the Centre's 2019 Longitudinal Survey and had attended an Assessment Clinic and the Growth Modules Program.

The Growth Modules Application Process

  1. 1 Apply

    If you are a business owner, CEO or Managing Director who is interested in participating in the Growth Modules , you must first have completed the Assessment Clinic or Growth Ramp program, after which you will receive an invitation to apply for the business Growth Modules program.

  2. 2 Acceptance

    Once you have completed the application form to attend the Growth Modules and chosen your preferred dates, one of our Program Officers will be in touch to discuss your application, the program and prep work requirements, as well as availability of your selected dates. By the end of the conversation, our Program Officer will either confirm that you have been accepted or will ask you to re-apply at a later date.

  3. 3 Prep-Work

    Prep-work for the Growth Modules must be completed by you (the business owner, CEO or Managing Director) and all members of the executive team who are attending the Modules, two weeks prior to the program commencing. Your  Growth Expert will review your prep-work within the two week time frame. Your prep work includes online diagnostics, tasks and surveys, required reading, and update videos on your company’s progress. Learn more about our Information Handling Policy here.

  4. 4 Completing the Modules

    As business owner, CEO or Managing Director, you and at least two members of your executive team must attend all three, three-day modules from 9am to 5pm. You and your team will be provided with a Learning Journal as well as other tools and resources to enable you to record notes and develop action plans for growth. If you are completing the modules online, some of the materials will be delivered electronically. If you are completing the modules face-to-face, we will provide lunch, as well as morning and afternoon tea all three days; there will also be a wine and cheese reception on the second day of Modules 1 and 2, and a graduation ceremony at the end of the third day of Module 3.

    One day after each module, you and your executive team members will receive a request to evaluate the module. We ask that you respond and provide comments, so we can continuously improve the Module program and experience.

  5. 5 Support

    After attending the Growth Modules, you will receive access to our fortnightly “Dr Jana Refresher” emails, as well as one year’s access to the additional tools, resources and webinars in our Learning Management System to help you stay on track, implement your goals, and grow.

    Once a year, you will be asked to provide yearly updates of revenue, profit, FTE jobs, and export revenue generated, plus answer a few questions about your leadership and growth strategies. This Longitudinal Survey takes about 10 minutes to respond. It’s extremely important that you respond because the responses you and fellow CEOs provide will inform the policies and programs introduced at the state and federal level to support company growth.

Example Heading

Globally recognised business growth expertise presented in a one-day workshop for CEOs/MDs who are ready to grow their businesses, become better leaders, and expand their markets.

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